What is a Solar System?

Solar photovoltaic system converts sun light directly into electrical power to run lighting and electrical appliances . A solar photovoltaic system requires only day light (direct or indirect sunlight to generate electricity .

As the demand and prices of electricity have kept on rising, the world looks at renewable energy sources for its power needs

solar system is a setup that generates electricity by utilizing the solar energy system. A typical solar system consists of solar panels (which absorb sunlight), inverter (which converts DC into AC), mounting structure (that hold the panels in place), batteries (to store the extra power generated), grid box and balance of systems (wires, nuts etc.). A solar system comes in various sizes like 1 kWh, 2 kWh 3kW, 5kW, 7.5 kW, and 10kW and above .


1.ON GRID SOLAR SYSTEM(Grid Connected PV system) On-grid means your solar system is tied to your local utility’s GRID. This is what most residential homes will use because you are covered if your solar system under or over-produces in regard to your varying energy needs. All this means for you is that your utility system acts as your battery space. If you are producing more energy with your solar panels or system than you are using, the excess energy is sent to your grid’s power company, allowing you to build credit that you can cash out with at the end of the year, in a process called net metering.

2.OFF GRID SOLAR SYSTEM(Stand alone PV system)1-removebg-preview.png Off-grid means you are not connected in any way to your grid’s power system or utility company. This is appealing because you are 100% self-sustaining your energy use. However, there are disadvantages because off-grid systems require you to purchase back-up battery which can be expensive, bulky


A hybrid solar power system is combination of on grid solar system and off grid solar system. It has battery backup in it to store power and it also have the ability to feed surplus electricity into main grid.